Friday, March 30, 2012

Mike O'Leary Trust Bursary Annual Lecture

On February 23rd, Áine Ní Choileaín, the 7th winner of the Mike O'Leary Travel Bursary delivered a lecture in the Veterinary College on her experiences in Uganda. Looking resplendent in a traditional Ugandan dress called a gomezi, Aine spoke on her three week trip to VIVA's animal traction project in eastern Uganda. During her trip Áine focussed specifically on the role of women in farming in the region.

The theme of Áine's talk - "A woman empowered - a nation developed" emphasised the impact that economic and social empowerment of women can have. Farming is the main occupation of over 90% of rural women in Uganda. In fact, half the beneficaries on VIVA's project are female and this has had a major impact in elevating the status of women in the community. They are now respected as owners of livestock and domestic violence,which was a big problem in the community, has decreased significantly. One woman declared that the women now know "how to cool the tempers of their husbands". The implementation of labour saving technologies like ox-ploughing and energy-efficient ovens have also greatly improved the quality of life of the women as they now have more free time for themselves and their children.

Some Ugandan colour was added by the appearance of the Dembe Dance Troupe who entertained the audience with traditional Ugandan dance and drumming.

Thanks again to VetSoc for hosting the lecture and presenting a cheque to VIVA on the night for €600, the proceeds of fundraising during Ragweek.