Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fundraiser of the Year - 2014

Every year donors raise money for VIVA in imaginative ways. However, our favourite fundraiser this year was the re-run of one of the great UCD Superleague rivalries of the late 80s - Vet Faculty v Commerce Faculty - which raised over €1000 for VIVA. This is Denis O'Connor's match report!

The highlight of many sports fans' 2014 was the eagerly anticipated rematch between the Veteran Vets and the Commerce Tulips in Belfield on Feb 8th. With no love lost between these two teams a bruising, full blooded encounter was expected and it didn’t disappoint.The game began at an unforgiving pace and the Vets were caught cold with two early Tulip goals despite the best efforts of goalkeeper Tadgh Murphy to justify his inclusion in the starting eleven. The Vets didn’t lie down however (not all at once anyway!) and their midfield of Tony O'Donoghue, Seamy Fagan and baby of the team, John Hennessy,were soon getting the better of their opposite numbers and bringing the lethal strike-force of the Sexton brothers and Denis O’Connor more into play. Indeed, Michael Sexton proved a real handful for the opposition defence on the rare occasions he managed to stay onside in the first half, which alas, ended scoreless for the Vets. After a rousing half time speech, given by chief cheerleader Tom (I forgot my boots) Fabby and the application of industrial amounts of deep heat, the Vets took to the field again with renewed vigour. With fullbacks David Connors and Tom Murray raiding down the flanks like youthful versions of Roberto Carlos it was only a matter of time before the Vets got their just rewards and it came in the shape of a sublime finish by Tony O’ Donoghue from a very tight angle. With Centre backs, Donagh McDonnell and Conor O Scanaill, now lording it over the opposition forwards, it was all out attack by the Vets for the final fifteen minutes in search of the equaliser that their legions of supporters were baying for. Unfortunately it never came; thanks to some fine Tulip goalkeeping and the ever unsympathetic woodwork! 

On leaving the field………. 

Quote of the day: “It’s much easier run with two pulled hamstrings than one”- C O’Scanaill 

Muse of the day:“I never knew I was this good at soccer”- D McDonnell 

Thought of the day: “Why did I say I’d wash the jerseys - the wife is going to kill me!”- T Murray 

Refrain of the day: “Pass the ball Sexy”- Usually directed at Michael Sexton (often with various adjectives preceding “ball”) or his more talented brother Tomas. 

Having congratulated the victorious Tulips, all retired to Kiely’s for a hearty lunch and some liquid anaesthesia! Many thanks to the guest players on the day - Tony O’ Donoghue of RTE, Tom Murray of MSD and Tomas Sexton of CORK. Also thanks to kit sponsor MSD and lunch sponsors Bayer, Norbrook and Pfizer. The match was preceded by a minutes silence in remembrance of deceased teammates. Thanks to all who sponsored the players - watch out for the re-rematch in 2015!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The 2014 Mike O'Leary Trust Travel Bursary Winner

This year’s winner of the Mike O’Leary Trust Travel Bursary was Charlene Grice, a third year veterinary student in UCD. Charlene travelled to Uganda in July to visit our animal traction project. This is the tenth year of the Bursary which sponsors a veterinary student each year to spend a month visiting on one of VIVA's overseas projects. The Mike O'Leary Trust was established to honour the memory of Kerry vet, Mike O'Leary, who died tragically in 2003 at the age of 39. His family and friends have undertaken a number of fundraising initiatives over the years to raise funds for the Travel Bursary in addition to supporting the Irish NGO, GOAL, and cardiomyopathy research. You can read Charlene's report below.
Uganda 2014 Report - Charlene Grice.pdf

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Heifer Draw - The Winners!

The draw for our annual "Heifer Draw" was made at the CAVI (Cattle Veterinary Association of Ireland) conference in Cork at the weekend. The winners are as follows:

The Limousin Heifer - Liam Garavan, Kilameena, Westport, Co. Mayo
(Seller's Prize - Cathy Waddell, Westport, Co. Mayo)
€500 Travel Voucher - Paddy Cadden, Loughduff, Co. Cavan.
€250 Bike Shop Voucher - Celia Coyle, KIlcross, Beglieve, Bailieboro, Co. Cavan.

Congrats to all and thanks to CAVI for facilitating us on the day.

Almost 2,250 tickets were sold raising over €11,000 for VIVA's projects.

Conor Geraghty (CAVI) - right - pulls the winning ticket in the 2014 "Heifer Draw"

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Goats Handover on Pakistan Project

80 women have each received three goats as part of VIVA's new project in the Punjab region of north east Pakistan. Working with our new partner, TNJ, the project will work with 80 marginalised women who are members of the“Taraqee Women’s Cooperative Credit Society”(TWCCS).

These women and their families work in the local brick kilns earning approx €1 a day for producing 1000 bricks. These low incomes do not allow the women to care properly for their families or send their children to school. The kilns do not operate during the monsoon season (July to September) so the women then get loans to tide them over from the brick kiln owners at very high interest rates. This is one of the reasons they women have set up their Co-operative Credit Society.

To help the women generate additional income 240 teddy goats ( a local breed raised for its meat) have been distributed to the women. The goats will generate an income from the sale of milk, ghee ( a type of butter) and meat.

The project is being jointly funded by VIVA and Electric Aid (the staff social justice fund of Electric Ireland). €13,000 has been committed for Year 1 of the project.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Prime Health Vets support VIVA

Prime Health Vets was set up in early 2013 by ten veterinary practices in Munster to work together to benefit their farmer clients and promote herd health.One of their initiatives is to organise practical training days and seminars where experts in a specific topic share their knowledge with their farmer clients. At one of their recent seminars in Fermoy Mart on dairy fertility all the admission fees were donated to VIVA. This raised a total of €2,500 for our overseas projects.

VIVA would like to thank their chairman, Paul Redmond and all the participating practices for their generous support.

Paul Redmond of Prime Health Vets (left) presents a cheque to Mike Burke (VIVA)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Mike O'Leary Travel Bursary Lecture

The 9th winner of the Mike O'Leary Trust, Sarah Irwin, delivered a lecture on her experiences in Uganda in the Veterinary College in UCD recently. Sarah, a 4th year veterinary student, spent three weeks on VIVA's animal traction project in Uganda last summer. This travel bursary is funded by the Mike O'Leary Trust which was set up to commemorate the memory of Mike O'Leary, a Kerry veterinary surgeon who died tragically in 2004. Each year, a veterinary student is funded to spend three weeks on a VIVA overseas project.

You can read Sarah's report on her trip on the link below

Sarah Irwin's report

Thursday, March 20, 2014

VIVA launches goat project in Pakistan

VIVA has just commenced funding a new project in the Punjab region of north east Pakistan. Working with our new partner, TNJ, the project will work with 80 marginalised women who are members of theTaraqee Women’s Cooperative Credit Society”(TWCCS).

These women and their families work in the local brick kilns earning approx €1 a day for producing 1000 bricks. These low incomes do not allow the women to care properly for their families or send their children to school. In fact, as soon as children are old enough they also start working in the kilns to help their families meet the daily target of 1000 bricks. The kilns do not operate during the monsoon season (July to September) so the women then get loans to tide them over from the brick kiln owners at very high interest rates. This is one of the reasons they women have set up their Co-operative Credit Society.

To help the women generate additional income 240 teddy goats ( a local breed raised for its meat) will be purchased and each of the 80 women will receive 3 goats. The goats will generate an income from the sale of milk, ghee ( a type of butter) and meat. The women will also receive training in the care of the goats. After a year the beneficiaries must return three goats to the Co-op for distribution to other members of the group thus ensuring the sustainability of initiative.

The project is being jointly funded by VIVA and Electric Aid (the staff social justice fund of Electric Ireland). €13,000 has been committed for Year 1 of the project.
The Punjab region in Pakistan