Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mike O'Leary Trust Travel Bursary 2010

This August, Martin Breen, a third year vet student in UCD and this year's winner of the Mile O'Leary Trust Travel Bursary, travelled to Uganda to visit VIVA's animal traction project in the east of the country. His brief was to look at the impact of the project on theindividual farming families.

Martin has just now published his report on the trip which can be viewed here or in the viewer below. According to Martin, the most signifcant impacts of the project has been a reduction in the labour needed to cultivate the land, an increase in land tilled and increased yields from crops like cassava and maize. The extra income generated by the surpluses prduced is going to pay for education expenses or being re-invested on the farms.

VIVA would like to thank again the O'Leary family for their support for this valuable initiative.

Uganda 2010 report - Martin Breen