This year your support has changed the lives of livestock farmers in Pakistan, Kosovo and Uganda. We'd like to share one farmer's story with you to demonstrate the impact of your efforts. Leviza was one of the farmers we supported on our goat project in Pakistan this year.
Leviza lives
along with her husband, a farmer, and three children in a two-roomed house. Her husband, who is the lone bread-winner, works as a farmer but earns only about €40 a month. Making ends meet was very difficult for the family. Leviza became seriously ill and the family had to borrow money to enable her to get medical attention and the family went deeper and deeper in to debt. Through contacts with our partner TNJ, Leviza became involved with a local micro-credit group. As she began to save small amounts with the group she became eligible to receive three teddy goats as part of the TNJ / VIVA project. She then began selling milk from the goats in the market and breeding kid goats for meat. The milk sales alone doubled the family income allowing them to repay their loans and help improve the family situation.
With your support in 2015 we will continue to work with livestock farmers like Leviza in the Developing World.