Monday, August 21, 2017

Merial walking 141 million steps for VIVA

Merial Animal Health has signed up with 28 farm vets to join a charity challenge across Ireland and the UK to walk a combined 141 million steps for charity. All funds raised in Ireland go to VIVA. The challenge is part of Merial's #calfmatters campaign to raise awareness of calf pneumonia and to improve the health of beef and dairy calves by vaccinating against the disease.

Joe Broderick, Merial Animal Health's Irish business manager, said of the challenge: "Our message is about prevention and improving health and productivity. We are all prone to exercising less than we should, and while Merial has launched the #calfmatters campaign to improve the health and well-being of calves, we wanted to help vets improve their health and fitness too"

The Irish vets have been given FitBit Alta fitness trackers and been assigned to virtual teams to compete in achieving the weekly goals. Weekly targets include the distances for some iconic routes around the world including crossing the Artic Circle (560,000 steps) and walking the San Andreas fault (1,600,000 steps).

Updates will be posted in the #calfmatters Facebook page and @CalfMatters Twitter feed. The challenge will conclude at the Cattle Conference on October 19th -21st

Supporters can make a donation through the CalfMatters "Just Giving" page here