Monday, May 20, 2019

Vaccinate for Africa 2019

In April, World Animal Vaccination Day marked the contribution vaccines make in the control of disease in animals.  Currently, vaccines exist against more than 100 animal diseases and around 30 human diseases. They have saved the lives of millions of people and animals and they contribute to the need to use less antibiotics while reducing the exposure to zoonotic diseases.

Next week (May 27th - 31st), VIVA is launching a new campaign – “Vaccinate for Africa” – in conjunction with our partner organisations in Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (VSF) across Europe. The concept is simple – for one week veterinary practices agree to donate a percentage of their pet vaccination fees to VIVA to support our animal health programmes. Clients may also contribute if they wish.

The funds raised support our animal health programmes in the Developing World. For example, in Uganda we are training local farmers as Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs or “Village Vets”). As well as providing basic veterinary services to local farmers in their community they are also participating in government-run vaccination campaigns. They carry out the vaccinations of livestock against important local diseases such as Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia  (CBP) and Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCP) which cause large losses in local cattle and goats.

For more information on the campaign or to register for participation contact Mike Burke on / 086 - 2568357 or Ciaran Gobl on 086 - 7015253

Cattle being vaccinated by a CAHW